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5 Interior Hospital Design Tips for 2022

Hospitals need to be both comfortable, clean, and stylish. These 2022 interior hospital design trends will serve to inspire.

Studies have found that hospital aesthetics do have an impact on the mental state of patients, especially those being treated for neurological conditions. If you haven't given your hospital or healthcare center an update in a few decades, it may be time to take a second look.

Hospital design is particularly difficult to prioritize. Naturally, quality care and the availability of offices and beds are of the utmost importance. How can you bring hospital interior design into the mix?

We're here to give you some useful pointers on the latest in hospital design. We've chosen tips that are easy to implement and won't require any major remodeling. In fact, you can implement many of these tips without ever pausing your day-to-day functions.

Ready to get started? Read on for five great interior hospital design tips for 2022.

Wall Art for Medical center

1. Hang Artistic Acoustic Paneling

Noise control is crucial in a hospital setting. Reducing the sounds of patients talking with healthcare providers as well as the general hustle and bustle of people who are in and out of the waiting room can help to reduce stress levels. A quieter space gives us more room to think clearly and process our feelings and surroundings.

One way that you can embrace both design and practicality is by hanging acoustic panels that double as artwork. Acoustic panels are large wall-cladding pieces that help to absorb sound that would otherwise reverberate through the room. You'll often find them in places like movie theaters, concert halls, and recording studios.

Nowadays, you can make or purchase acoustic panels in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Acoustic panels already have interesting geometric patterns that work to absorb sound. By adding a splash of color or texture, your acoustic panels will blend into the rest of your hospital design and create visual intrigue.

2. Embrace a Homey Feel

Across all industries, we're seeing a shift toward homey interior design. From diners and coffee shops to corporate offices, you'll notice that the design choices reflect the comforts we seek in our own living rooms.

Patients and their families are often experiencing high levels of stress. Their normal routines have been disrupted, they may be experiencing a great deal of uncertainty, and they may not know when they get to go home. One way that you can create a more soothing environment is to bring home to them.

More comfortable seating options are a great place to start. Place cushioned chairs and couches in waiting rooms. Add comfortable seating to the unused corners of hospital wings so that visitors can stay closer to their loved ones.

Nature art in medical waiting rooms

3. Update Wayfinding Designs

Wayfinding is a popular technique in hospital design, especially those hospitals that contain multiple floors and wings. Wayfinding is the process of using interior design to help guide patients to where they need to go. Visual cues like floor markers and changing color schemes can help.

Consider, for example, assigning a distinct color to each wing of your hospital. Colorful floor tiles, carpeting, or wall accents like a horizontal line of paint are all great wayfinding design choices. Plus, using a color system will also help you to unify the design of each wing.

The goal, here, is to lower the distress patients and their visitors feel when trying to navigate your hospital. The easier your wayfinding system is to follow, the less patients will fear that they're going to the wrong place.

4. Incorporate Nature

Interior hospital design isn't just about what color you paint the walls or what furniture you provide in the waiting room. Accent pieces and artwork are also crucial. What you choose can make the difference between a sterile or uninviting environment and a soothing environment.

Countless studies have demonstrated that being in nature can lower stress levels. Did you know that looking at images of nature can reproduce those same results?

Rather than hanging still life paintings or abstract art, consider hanging high-quality nature photography around your hospital. Combine larger photographs in waiting areas with smaller photographs in individual offices. When patients and visitors can get lost in beautiful natural imagery, they can experience the grounding feeling they need at that moment.

Wall art for hospital hallway

5. Choose Soothing Color Palettes

Finally, let's talk about your color palettes. Whether or not you incorporate wayfinding into your hospital interior design, the colors you choose will make a difference. Some colors tend to produce more soothing effects than others.

Light, neutral tones make an ideal base for any waiting area, hallway, or office. White and tan, in particular, tend to make spaces feel airier, lighter, and less constricting. When it comes to branching out on the color wheel, consider softer tones. Light pink is more calming than red. Light blue is more soothing than navy.

One way to choose your color palette is to start with your nature photography. What are some of the colors in your photos that are both vibrant and calming? Draw those colors out into the rest of your hospital wall decor and design in subtle, tasteful ways with accent pieces, fresh flowers, and seating upholstery.

Wall decor for hospitals

Use Peter James Photography in Your Interior Hospital Design in 2022

It can be difficult to prioritize hospital design when there are so many factors that go into designing and running a great hospital. We've chosen these tips because they're easy to implement and will make a huge impact. Changing your healthcare design doesn't have to require a major renovation.

Peter James photography combines fine art with breathtaking scenery that can soothe your patients. You can select from a variety of subject matter as well as sizes to elevate your hospital wall decor. Contact us to learn more about Peter James photography and how you can acquire some for your hospital.


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